The owner of Danny’s Irish Pub isn’t happy at the possibility of another business swooping into the location of his establishment.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
FERNDALE — The owner of a longtime Ferndale establishment is voicing his displeasure that his bar might be replaced.
Danny’s Irish Pub, 22824 Woodward Ave., has operated in Ferndale for around 40 years. The owner, Danny Reedy, had been looking to sell the business and had a potential buyer, but according to him, they didn’t like the price.
Recently, Reedy found there would be a public hearing at the City Council’s Aug. 26 meeting for the transfer of a Class C liquor license for Miracle Mound LLC at the site of Danny’s.
“They went to the landlord and asked to lease the place based on them getting the liquor license behind my back,” Reedy said. “In Oakland County, you can move a liquor license anywhere you want. And I received a letter the other day from the city saying that someone, unbeknownst to us, had applied for it, had gotten a liquor license and wanted to move it into this location.”
According to city documents, Miracle Mound went to the council for a license. It hopes to establish a business called Charlie’s Tavern at the Woodward Avenue location.
The business did get its application approved from the city’s Liquor License Review Board.
“The Liquor License Review (Board) is a committee that consists of multiple departments within the city, including the police and fire department, my office, our legal counsel, and they’re charged with reviewing all liquor licenses, making sure those applicants have a good record, they’re compliant with all state laws and that their proposed business doesn’t adversely impact city services,” City Manager Joe Gacioch said. “In this case, the proposed business is for a bar that’s replacing an existing business, a bar. So there’s no real impact on city services.”
Attempts to reach representatives for Charlie’s Tavern and Miracle Mound at press time were unsuccessful.
Reedy recently shared his unhappiness with the situation on the Danny’s Irish Pub Facebook page and stated his intent to attend the Aug. 26 meeting to object to the liquor license and ask council to deny the transfer.
“We spent 40 years building up this business, and now they just want to move in without doing anything,” he said. “I’m a little upset.”
Reedy did not want to comment more on the issue until after the Ferndale City Council meeting.