Double voting reported in St. Clair Shores

By: Alyssa Ochss | St. Clair Shores Sentinel | Published August 23, 2024

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ST. CLAIR SHORES — According to a press release, the Macomb County Prosecutor’s office was notified of an incident of double voting that occurred during the primary election on Aug. 6.

The incident occurred in St. Clair Shores and allegedly four individuals were involved. The St. Clair Shores Police Department was notified.

According to Michigan election law, a voting official who is aware of an attempt to vote both in person and by absentee ballot must report the case to the prosecuting attorney of the county and the Secretary of State.

“Our top priority is ensuring that every election is conducted safely with the highest level of security. The integrity of our electoral process is fundamental to our democracy. Potential violations of election law are rare and we are committed to doing our duty,” Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido said in the emailed press release.

City Manager Dustin Lent made a statement in the updates and follow-ups portion of the Aug. 19 St. Clair Shores City Council meeting. He explained that City Clerk Abby Barrett and her team noticed double voting and notified the county. The four individuals voted both absentee and in person.

“St. Clair Shores police and Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office are working with the state and investigating the issue,” Lent said.

Barrett could not be reached for comment.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson also issued a statement.

“I’m grateful to the Macomb County clerk for his partnership in ensuring that voter fraud is rare and that when it happens, we catch it and prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law,” Benson said in the emailed statement. “Thanks to our partnership and commitment to security, he followed the protocols we have in place, and I have now referred the matter to the Michigan Attorney General for further investigation and potential criminal charges.”

The St. Clair Shores Police Department is investigating the case and will request the appropriate warrants or not based on the findings, the press release stated.

Police Chief Jason Allen confirmed the case is still under investigation.