Brayden Willams and Aditya Kandage display their respective awards at the MiSCA Rochester Bike Shop Mountain Bike XC Race at Addison Oaks County Park.
Photo provided by Kanchan Kandage
TROY — Two Troy students have found enjoyment and success through their participation in competitive mountain biking on the Rochester Mountain Bike Team.
Aditya Kandage, a junior at International Academy East-Troy campus, has always had an interest in biking competitively, though he had previously been more interested in road bicycle racing. However, after some issues finding a road race team in the area, he found the Rochester Mountain Bike Team and has been a member since eighth grade.
“I really liked biking in general and it’s more fun to try to do it competitively,” Kandage said.
Meanwhile, Kandage’s biking teammate, Brayden Willams, a junior at Troy High School, has always been interested in biking, as his family has always been interested in biking. He has been involved with other biking groups along with the Rochester Mountain Bike Team, like the Rochester Area Youth Cycling Raptors.
“I love how partially individual the sport is, and also the teamwork helps a lot of people,” Williams said.
The Rochester Mountain Biking Team is a club that is mainly aimed at students from Adams, Rochester and Stoney Creek High Schools, though students from outside of the district may also join. The group provides opportunities for students to learn about mountain biking and potentially join races, depending on their individual interests.
“One of the disadvantages of this sport is how expensive it is,” Williams said. “Rochester Mountain Biking Team has a bike library for anyone who can’t afford it. They don’t have to spend a whole bunch of money and have good starter bikes.”
“We had no clue what mountain biking was,” said Kanchan Kandage, Aditya’s mom. “He was interested in biking and started with a loaner bike before he bought his own bike.”
During biking and team training periods, bikers may ride on off-road, single-track trails at Addison Oaks County Park, River Bends Park, Bloomer Park, and Stony Creek
Metropark along with additional rides at locations across lower Michigan.
“The coaches teach skills from the beginning in different parks,” Kanchan Kandage said. “The practices are maintained by volunteer coaches and parents ready to take on the challenges.”
The team will compete with other high schools in races associated with the Michigan Scholastic Cycling Association program during the fall. For the Rochester Mountain Biking Team, these races are optional for members depending on their interests and schedule.
This year, during the MiSCA Hammerhead Bikes Time Trial races at Maybury State Park in September 2024, Aditya Kandage received first place on a two-lap course (12.9 miles) with a time of 55:49.337 and 397 points. Williams received first place during the MiSCA Tippins Market XC Race at Heritage Park in October 2024, which was also a two-lap course (13.3 miles), with a time of 58:06.421 and 397 points. Both achievements occurred in the junior varsity category.
“This year the team won the MiSCA State Championship as well,” Kanchan Kandage said in an email.
After the 2024 season, both young bike riders are considering what they need to do in order to prepare for the next season.
“I usually train throughout the winter,” Aditya Kandage said. “It’s the same for this season as well and I train twice a week.”
“I haven’t done a ton but I’m trying to keep my leg strength up and I’m working on a plan for next season,” Williams said.
For more information, visit rmbtunited.com or miscabike.org.