Heritage Concert Band of Troy’s director Dale Marzewski leads practice at First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens, located at 168 Cass Ave.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
TROY — For musicians with any level of band experience, the Heritage Concert Band of Troy provides multiple opportunities to come together and perform.
This local band program was started in Troy by some older community members who were interested in performing and continuing to practice their instruments and has been a part of Troy for around 60 years. It can have up to 45 members and is open to younger and older adult musicians at any level of playing experience.
“We have a lot of older people in the band,” Heritage Concert Band member Robert T. Rourke said. “Some started playing in the band when they were young. It’s something a lot of people should get back into.”
Rourke is a part of the band’s woodwind section and previously played in high school. He attended Lawrence Technological University and served in the military. He has been a part of the Heritage Concert Band for over 25 years.
“It’s mostly to let off steam from jobs for a lot of us,” Rourke said.
The band generally performs for Veterans Day and Memorial Day events in the city, as well as their own holiday- and spring-themed concerts. There are no tryouts, and the annual fee is $10 for residents and $20 for nonresidents. Band members can be found practicing on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the Troy Community Center.
Dale Marzewski is the band’s current director. He has a bachelor’s degree in music education from Wayne State University and also plays with the Belgian American Association Band and the Livingston County Concert Band. He has been a member for around 35 years.
“I found the band through a mutual musician when I mentioned looking for people to play with,” Marzewski said. “It’s open to any musician with high school experience, and we’re always looking for people that can read music.”
Peggy Huntington joined with her husband and has been playing for around 20 years. She is a flutist who has been interested in music since she was 12.
“The band used to be the Hamtramck Concert Band before it moved to Troy and became the Heritage Band,” Huntington said. “We have a lot of the same people from the Belgian American Association Band in St. Clair Shores.”
The Heritage Concert Band will perform concerts at 7 p.m. Dec. 4 at the Troy Community Center and at 7 p.m. Dec. 18 at the First Congregational Church of Royal Oak.
For more information, call Rourke at (586) 306-8599.