Community comes together for annual baby shower

By: Maria Allard | Roseville-Eastpointe Eastsider | Published August 1, 2024

 During the event, Gianna House Executive Director Joella Bush encouraged participants to attend a safe sleep workshop.

During the event, Gianna House Executive Director Joella Bush encouraged participants to attend a safe sleep workshop.

Photo by Maria Allard

EASTPOINTE — As founder of the nonprofit Bettye Harris Foundation, Chineva Early is always trying to help others.

While her work is satisfying with the foundation — named after her mother, Bettye Harris, who died of laryngeal cancer — Early wanted to do even more for the community.

While brainstorming with her daughter, Charnell Dortch, an idea formed to hold a community baby shower for parents in need.

“It was my daughter’s idea to do something for the babies,” Early said. “The babies are where everything starts.”

On July 20, Early — with help from the charities Lift Up A Child and Let Me See Your Hands — organized the second annual Eastpointe Community Baby Shower at Gianna House, located at 21357 Redmond Ave. Gianna House provides a safe residence for young women — some who are still teenagers — and their newborn infants in need of a temporary place to live.

The baby shower, open to anyone, was a chance for parents and parents-to-be to receive clothing, diapers, baby wipes, sippy cups, bottles, burp cloths, booties, toys, bath kits and more for their children.

Booths were set up outside on the Gianna House grounds. Each attendee received a bingo card. As they visited each station, the card was punched. Along with the baby items, information on baby care and other resources were available. At one point, a safe sleep workshop was offered during the event.

Raffles, too, were held to give away car seats, strollers and booster seats. Organizers began planning the event several months ago and received donations from local organizations and businesses. Just over 200 people — many of them young mothers and fathers with their families — registered prior to the event, but walk-in participants also were welcome.

“I’m just excited. I’m just so full,” Early said. “We got volunteers from everywhere, and I can’t believe the response from people in our community.”

Early made it a family affair. Along with her daughter, husband Charles Early Jr., sons Michael Harris and Charles Early III, and several grandchildren were on-site.

Robert Roscoe is the founder of Lift Up A Child, and Edward Williams is founder of Let Me See Your Hands. Roscoe, Williams and Early are all members on the Eastpointe Community Schools Board of Education. Roscoe was touched at how well the community came together for the baby shower.

“This is very dear to my heart,” Roscoe said. “I felt there was a need in the community. To see the community come together and bring this, I feel that is so key. We’re helping each other.”

Gianna House Executive Director Joella Bush would like to see the community baby shower grow every year.

“We’re doing it right in the heart of Eastpointe,” she said. “What better place than a facility that provides love, care and hope?”

Detroit resident L. Crawford, with her 9-month-old son, attended the baby shower with a group of friends. She also has two older children.

“I just want to support them and see the resources I need for the baby,” Crawford said. “It’s great. Back when I had my older boys, they didn’t have this for moms. It’s been a wonderful experience.”

Gianna House will hold its 11th annual Sr. Diane Memorial Golf Outing Aug. 19 at Greystone Golf Club in Washington Township. Golfers and sponsors are needed. For more information, visit or call (586) 445-0440.