Shelby Township Veterans Events Coordinator Phil Randazzo and John James, a veteran who was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives last year, place a wreath during Shelby Township’s Memorial Day ceremony last year.
File photo by Erin Sanchez
UTICA/SHELBY TOWNSHIP — The city of Utica and Shelby Township will both be holding Memorial Day ceremonies to honor the fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.
Both ceremonies will be on Sunday, May 28. Memorial Day is Monday, May 29.
Shelby Township has observed Military Appreciation Month in May with a call to residents and businesses to fly the American flag and a portal at shelbytwp.org/veterans to donate to the American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces. The township said that the 2023 Shelby Township Veterans Memorial Day Ceremony at 1:30 p.m. May 28 at the Shelby Township Veterans Memorial will be the culmination of the month.
Phil Randazzo, Shelby Township’s veterans events coordinator and a decorated Vietnam veteran, said he hopes that everyone can attend the Memorial Day ceremony.
“As we lose veterans from World War II and Korea, it’s getting tough to help our community remember their service and the service of their fallen brothers and sisters. But that’s what makes Memorial Day so important. It’s a chance for the entire community to come together, remember our fallen heroes and share our memories so we don’t forget our neighbors who never came home from war,” he said via email.
The city of Utica will be holding its annual Memorial Day ceremony at 2 p.m. May 28 at Memorial Park near City Hall, 7550 Auburn Road. The Marine Corps League Honor Guard will be the special guest, and the honor guard will perform a gun salute and taps.
John Myroniuk, the first vice commander and commander-elect of American Legion Post 351 in Utica, said that people should pause and remember those who gave all, as well as their families.
“So, enjoy the barbecues and laughter with friends and family. But, take a moment and acknowledge those sacrifices made by our heroes so you can enjoy your family and friend festivities over the Memorial Weekend. For God and Country,” Myroniuk said in an email.
Utica Mayor Gus Calandrino, who is the second vice commander of American Legion Post 351, said there will be a nice event after the ceremony at the post.
“Following the ceremony, all attendees are encouraged to join us at American Legion Post 351 (46146 Cass Avenue in Utica) for refreshments. Pizza will be provided by our sponsor, K’Nickies Pizza,” he said via email.