Children attend a Bluey-themed summer reading program last summer.
Photo provided by the Bloomfield Township Public Library
BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — Summer is upon us, and with it, comes a bunch of free time to fill.
The Bloomfield Township Public Library invites youth, teens and adults to spend their summer engaged in books and other fun programming at the library.
The library’s summer reading kickoff event will be held 5:30-7 p.m. June 18. Library patrons can participate in crafts and games, grab something to eat at a food truck, and register for the online reading program.
Upon signing up for the program, all participants are eligible for a free “Love My Library” lawn sign, which, if displayed at their residence, could earn them a prize from the library’s Prize Patrol.
“When they come to pick up their sign, we ask them if they would like to participate in the prize patrol, and we note their address. Each week, two librarians go out and check to see if they can see lawn signs out, and if they do, they can get a goody bag of prizes,” said Shayna Connolly, the adult and teen services librarian.
Children and teens also receive a free book for signing up for the summer reading program.
The summer program is a wonderful way to encourage the love of reading for all ages, according to Jen Taggart, youth services department head.
“Reading is a great way to escape and explore, and part of our mission is to be a place to discover, so we want to provide some wonderful resources and materials, and fun ways to discover new things,” she said.
Following the kickoff, patrons are encouraged to read every day and track their progress online to earn virtual reading and activity badges for the chance to win prizes through Aug. 9.
The theme for this year’s summer reading program is “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” An adult can head online to log the days children — ages birth to 12 years old — read or are read to, and any activities they complete. For every five days they read, they will earn a virtual logging badge, a grand prize ticket, and a “BTPL Buck” gold coin to purchase additional trinkets at the close of the program. For every activity they complete, they can earn a virtual activity badge and a grand prize ticket. Earn 10 badges to complete the challenge.
The summer reading program allows patrons to enjoy books of their choice, at their own pace, and it also helps youth maintain their reading levels.
“To keep learning and improving on their reading skills, children need to practice, and a fun way to keep practicing over the summer — when they’re not in school — is to participate in the summer reading challenge,” Taggart said.
Reading what you enjoy, Connolly added, helps a person become a lifelong reader.
“They can read whatever they’re interested in — they can read short books, they can read long books, and they don’t have to have a certain reading level — they should just read things that they like,” she said.
The Bloomfield Township Public Library is located at 1099 Lone Pine Road in Bloomfield Township. For more information, call (248) 642-5800, visit www.btpl.org/summer.