Eastpointe Community Schools Superintendent Christina Gibson talks about the district’s future during the coffee hour Jan. 10. She stressed the importance of the school district and community working together.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
EASTPOINTE/ROSEVILLE — On the morning of Jan. 10, about 30 members of the business community gathered for the Eastpointe-Roseville Chamber of Commerce’s coffee hour.
They met in the “green room” at the PACE Southeast Michigan building on 10 Mile Road in Eastpointe to share what is going on within their own businesses or organizations. PACE stands for “Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.”
Eastpointe Economic Development Manager Ian McCain, for example, reminded attendees of the Nine Mile Road reconstruction that has begun, while Recreation Authority of Roseville & Eastpointe Director Tony Lipinski mentioned that RARE’s spring/summer newsletter will be distributed in an online format only for residents.
“This is the first time we’re not doing mailings,” he said. He also mentioned that RARE is still in need of a third grade basketball coach.
The guest speaker at the coffee hour was Eastpointe Community Schools Superintendent Christina Gibson. On the previous night, Jan. 9, the school board adopted a strategic plan for the district. Gibson shared that news and encouraged those in attendance to work alongside the district for the betterment of the community.
“We see our community slipping away into a globally connected place but isolated by technology, though, too. Our children live in a digital world where someone who torments them at school can torment them all day online. We see an increase in students having mental health issues and the way they think about themselves and see the world,” Gibson said. “They need us. They need all of you and they need your businesses. We’ve got to work smarter together and I think we can really get a nice synergy in the room — not just in the room, but in the community. When you get this synergy going, good things start to happen.
“I’m looking for partners who are willing to partner with my high school to build (career and technical education) pathways, to build future nurses or PACE bus drivers for seniors,” Gibson said. “Our children need it. Our children need to be seen by adults. We’ve got to get some reciprocity going in the way we educate and care for children — and the way that we serve all of you and your vision and your work, too.”
The coffee hour also gave Gibson the opportunity to mention that January is School Board Recognition Month.
“I don’t think anyone appreciates how hard it is to be on a school board. You have to make the tough financial decisions. You help to set the direction of the school district,” Gibson said. “We have an amazing school board. I told the school board last night that I wouldn’t be here doing this work and helping to lead the district if it wasn’t for all of them.”
PACE Southeastern Michigan has a number of locations, including Southfield, Detroit, Sterling Heights, Dearborn and Pontiac. PACE helps residents live in their communities and stay in their own homes for as long as possible. Several services are offered, including a clinic and day health center, spiritual care, nutritional counseling and much more. For more information, including details on Medicare and Medicaid services, call (855) 445-4554 or visit pacesemi.org.
During the coffee hour, chamber Executive Director Linda Weishaupt shared that this marks her 10th year with the chamber.
“We really thank you all for being here today,” she said.
The next coffee hour is scheduled for 9 a.m. Feb. 7 at Eastpointe City Hall, 23200 Gratiot Ave. The coffee hour costs $5 for nonmembers and is free for chamber members. Eastpointe Economic Development Manager Ian McCain will be the guest speaker and will discuss Eastpointe’s economic plan. To register, email events@erchamber.com.