Carol Bankston’s chair sits in the Anton Art Center’s gallery as part of the “From Where I Sit” exhibition, running from Aug. 26 to Oct. 10.
Photo provided by Stephanie Hazard
Anton Art Center showcases Black womens’ stories in exhibition
MOUNT CLEMENS — The Interfaith Center for Racial Justice and the Anton Art Center are working together on a new exhibition, “From Where I Sit,” running at the Anton Art Center until Oct. 10.
“From Where I Sit” is a reflective show focusing on the stories and achievements of Black women in Macomb County, told in the form of 41 works of art produced by 34 artists. Works on display are built around chairs chosen by each artist, paired with pictures and other items to tell and explore an often-overlooked part of Macomb County’s community.
“This is a community collaboration and showcase of artwork by members of our community that are celebrating their heritage,” said Stephanie Hazard, the Anton Art Center’s exhibitions manager. “This show is focused on sharing displays of individual perspectives based on their lived experiences.”
Located in downtown Mount Clemens, the Anton Art Center is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday with free admission.
Boat show returns to Lake St. Clair Metropark
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — Boaters, anglers and maritime enthusiasts have plenty to look forward to as Lake St. Clair Metropark hosts the Metro Boat Show Sept. 14-17.
Boats ranging from 10 feet to more than 50 feet in length will be on display around the park and available for purchase. Other attractions include Bravo TV star Daisy Kelliher, live music, the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps’ “Pride of Michigan” 68-foot training ship and boat trips on Lake St. Clair.
The show will run on Thursday and Friday from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Adults get in for $10 while children 12 and under are free with an adult. Tickets are available online at metroboatshow.net.
Time for a bike ride
STERLING HEIGHTS — The Macomb County Board of Commissioners invites residents to its Drop-In Community Bike Ride from 9 a.m. until noon Sept. 16 at Clinton River Park North, located on Riverland Drive, east of Van Dyke Avenue.
The event, hosted by County Commissioner Don VanSyckel of Sterling Heights, is designed to promote health, wellness and community engagement. A bike helmet is required.
Participants can choose from a variety of well-planned routes suitable for riders of all levels. Three routes ranging from approximately 1-3 miles will showcase the park’s natural landscapes.
The event is free. Bathrooms are located at the Nature Center. To preregister or for more information visit bocmacomb.org.
TAP funding available
SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN — The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments recently announced approximately $2 million in funding awards for walking and biking projects in southeastern Michigan.
SEMCOG has awarded $2,073,728 in Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding for three projects for fiscal year 2025. This fall, SEMCOG will consider additional projects for 2025-2027.
TAP projects are transportation-related improvements to roadways, local streets and corridors. They primarily address mobility options through new or enhanced bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. This includes pathways, bike lanes, sidewalks and pedestrian crossings.
The projects are designed to improve the existing transportation system, while providing safe new options to help people connect to transit, regional trails and core service destinations. TAP can also fund green infrastructure projects that mitigate environmental concerns from the road network.
SEMCOG’s Regional Review Committee is currently considering additional projects for future fiscal years. The next application deadlines are Oct. 11 of this year and Feb. 21, 2024. For more information, visit semcog.org or call (313) 961-4266.
Events planted for Harrison Township library, community
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — Harrison Township residents and community members looking for things to do have plenty to look forward to this September.
Dock your ships into the Harrison Township Public Library’s port on Saturday, Sept. 16, for a pirate-themed Talk Like a Pirate Party Day party. Kicking off at 11 a.m., guests are encouraged to come in their best pirate attire and take part in activities like walking the plank, making pirate-themed crafts and searching for buried treasure. Activities are geared toward children 4-11.
Across town at Waterfront Park, Harrison Township Parks and Recreation will host a Back-to-School Bash on Sept. 16, from noon to 2 p.m. Activities include bounce houses, bungee run, a Velcro wall and an obstacle course as well as refreshments.
The library will host a number of other activities including Coffee and Conversation with township Fire Chief David Bostater at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 20, and an acrylic painting class with the Anton Art Center at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 28. Visit htlibrary.org/events for more library events and registration.
Sheriff’s office hosting senior citizens law enforcement training
MACOMB COUNTY — The Macomb County Sheriff’s Office is hosting four workshops in September and October. Topics will change at each Monday session and will include Detective Bureau, Evidence Technician, Youth Bureau, Firearms, Corrections, Special Enforcement Team, Macomb Area Computer Enforcement Unit, Macomb Auto Theft Squad, K-9 Unit, Traffic and Marine Division. The academy will end with a graduation ceremony.
Sessions run from 9 a.m. to noon on Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 at the Macomb Intermediate School District, 44001 Garfield Road. Light breakfast will be served. The program is free, but registration is required by calling (586) 307-9311.