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Pleasant Ridge, Clawson featured as part of DIA’s Inside|Out program
Farmington Hills Figure Skating Club ice show
Warren Woods Tower softball’s storybook season led by team-first mentality
Montford Point Marine honored
City honors Sterling church for bicentennial
Library reopens in Madison Heights following renovations
Lamphere baseball’s senior-led group readies for districts
Mount Clemens Made in Michigan Show
"Perspectives" - New exhibit in Southfield City Hall
Madison Heights 'Run for the Health of It' 5K Run/Walk
Student recognized for quick actions after bus incident
Mustang spins ‘a lot of memories'
City of Southfield celebrated Arbor Day
Novi Police and Fire departments hold annual awards ceremony
Downtown Rochester Farmers Market’s opening day
Tree will feed burgeoning butterfly population
Grosse Pointe Shores’ annual Arbor Day Fun Run/Walk
Country Day baseball players prove there’s more to baseball with charity game
Mercy softball’s close-knit group eyes one goal in 2023
'May the 4th Be With You' arts and crafts event at the Sterling Heights Public Library
Warren, Center Line celebrate the National Day of Prayer
Michigan Panthers homecoming silenced by Generals in 28-13 loss
Grosse Pointe South softball eyeing MAC-Blue title
Liggett girls soccer is 6-0, showcasing confident look for 2023
Earth Day Climate March in Royal Oak
Stahls Automotive Collection is quite the ride
Hawks steal spotlight at Owlfest
Bug Hunts reveal Rouge health
Madison-Park News
West Bloomfield Beacon
Novi Note