Chakeris Charleston, of South Carolina, will be bringing its signature women’s dresses to Fall Market, along with dresses for girls and linen shirts for men.
Photo provided by Tau Beta Association
GROSSE POINTE FARMS — You can get your holiday shopping done, pick up some distinctive items for yourself and support a cause, all at the same time.
The Tau Beta Association is holding its annual Fall Market Oct. 5-7 at the usually private Grosse Pointe Club on Lake St. Clair in Grosse Pointe Farms. Organizers have assembled 21 vendors from across the country who will be selling jewelry; accessories; home décor items; clothing for men, women and children; and more. The event is a fundraiser for the charitable and philanthropic work that Tau Beta does in the community.
“This is our premier fundraiser,” said Patsy Gotfredson, one of this year’s honorary co-chairs with Mary Farley. “We really want lots of people to come.”
The event will start with a preview party from 6 to 9 p.m. Oct. 5, at a cost of $75 in advance — advance tickets can even be purchased online the day of the party — or $85 at the door. Besides getting a chance to shop before everyone else, preview party attendees will enjoy live music, an open bar, a signature cocktail and hors d’oeuvres.
Preview party raffle tickets — which can be purchased online in advance or at the preview party, at a cost of $25 apiece or five for $100 — give ticket holders a chance at valuable prizes including an original framed oil painting by Christine Wardwell, Chanel pearl drop earrings, a workout package and a B. May handbag, among many others.
The market will be open for shoppers from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 6 and 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 7, at a cost of $5 per person at the door. A lunch buffet will be available for purchase on the lower level of the club both days, and cocktails will be available for purchase from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 6. Preview party ticket holders can return to the market either day, if they choose, and there will be a special raffle Oct. 6 for preview party members who return to shop that day and turn in a ticket.
Fall Market Co-Chairs Abigail Wujek and Carrie Calcaterra believe shoppers will encounter plenty of incredible finds, from holiday ornaments to toffee to men’s socks. Some vendors are even bringing in items just for Fall Market, such as Chakeris Charleston, of South Carolina, which will be selling not only women’s dresses but also dresses for girls and linen shirts for men.
“We had more (vendor) applications than ever this year,” Calcaterra said. “We have some new vendors that we’re excited about, and we have some favorites returning.”
She said shoppers will find a range of prices “to fit every budget.”
The vendors are small businesses offering items shoppers won’t find locally, Gotfredson said.
“Abbie and Carrie have chosen some terrific vendors that we have never had before,” Gotfredson said. “The event is evolving for us, which really makes it fun for everyone. It’s never just the same old stuff. We try to keep it fresh, but classic.”
Vendors donate 15% of their sales for the weekend to Tau Beta, she said.
Online shopping might be convenient, but being able to see, feel and even try on items before you buy them are among the many pluses of shopping in person.
“There’s nothing like seeing these things in person,” Gotfredson said. “You can see the quality of the items.”
The Grosse Pointe Club is the perfect setting for this event.
“They are really wonderful to work with and we’re really happy they’re housing us again,” Wujek said.
Tau Beta members say they’re grateful to the local corporate sponsorships and donations they’ve received from the community.
Tau Beta raises money to help children and families in need, providing funding and volunteers for The Children’s Center of Detroit — which provides emotional and mental wellness services to at-risk children and families in metro Detroit — and giving grants to small startup nonprofits, Gotfredson said. She said children and families are the focus of Tau Beta’s work.
“It’s really important for us to be able to raise this money so that we can share it with the community,” Gotfredson said.
This event has raised $100,000 or more annually over the last several years, organizers said.
Tau Beta can accept cash, check, credit card or Venmo payments for raffle tickets or admission.
The Grosse Pointe Club — also known as “The Little Club” — is located at 6 Berkshire Place in Grosse Pointe Farms, behind Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. For advance preview party tickets or more information, visit taubeta.org or see the Facebook page, TBSpringMarket.