Grosse Pointe Shores to shoot promotional video in July

By: K. Michelle Moran | Grosse Pointe Times | Published June 27, 2023

GROSSE POINTE SHORES — If you see a film crew shooting footage in Grosse Pointe Shores this summer, they’re not creating the next Hollywood blockbuster — they’re making a promotional video spotlighting the city.

Shores resident and communications professional Ted Coutilish, chair of the Shores Communication Committee, said that on July 15, they’ll be filming around the city for the upcoming video, “A Shore Like No Other.”

Coutilish said the professionally shot video will “show the best (elements) of living in our city.” He said more than four dozen residents volunteered to share their own testimonials about what they love about the Shores, along with representatives from institutions in the Shores — the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House and the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club.

Coutilish said they hope to premiere the video at a future Shores City Council meeting.

“That would be great,” Mayor Ted Kedzierski said during a June 20 council meeting.

The Communication Committee will have an intern starting work for the city July 1, Coutilish said.

“Thank you for your decision to fund communications,” Coutilish told the council.

The intern, a local student, will shoot photos and videos during Shores events that can be uploaded to the city’s Facebook page or website, among other responsibilities. Coutilish had previously been doing all this himself but told the council he couldn’t continue to cover every city event because of personal and professional commitments.

At press time, it wasn’t known when the promotional video would make its debut.