Legal Notices

Title Newspaper Date
Rochester - CC PH notice Site Plan Review Article 27 Rochester Post 08/24/2022
Rochester - 2022-01 Sec 32-40 and disorderly and bows - FINAL CLEAN Rochester Post 08/24/2022
Shelby Township - 06-21-2022 mtg - Synopsis - Newspaper Version Shelby-Utica News 08/24/2022
Shelby Township - ZBA 9-8-22 Shelby-Utica News 08/24/2022
Southfield - 22-22 LN 2 Ground Support Signs Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - 22-24 LN corner lot fence Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - 22-23 LN Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - August 15 Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - PZRODD22-0002 - PZRODD22-0004 PZTA22-0003 PZRODD22-0005 PSLU22-0003 Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - Ordinance No. 1752 - PZTA22-0001 Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - Ordinance No. 1751 - PZR21-0006 Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - Ordinance No. 1754 - Amendment to Chapter 113, Animals - Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - July 11 Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - July 25, 2022 Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - June 13 Summary - Budget Adoption Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - June 13 Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - June 21 Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - June 27 Summary Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - Ordinance No. 1756 - PZTA22-0002 Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Southfield - Ordinance No. 1755 - PZR22-0001 Southfield Sun 08/24/2022
Sterling Heights - 2021 CAPER 15 day comment period Sterling Heights Sentry 08/24/2022
Sterling Heights - 9 26 22 CAC CAPER meeting notice Sterling Heights Sentry 08/24/2022
City of Troy - 20220920 ZBA Clinet-2116 Cumberland (Sec 13) Troy Times 08/24/2022
City of Center Line - Warren Weekly 08/24/2022
City of Warren - Notice; Rez; 5580 Twelve Mile Road; 9-12-22 Warren Weekly 08/24/2022