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Attorney General launches new website to alert public about holiday scams

By: Brendan Losinski | Metro | Published November 24, 2023

LANSING — Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has announced the launch of a new consumer protection website and holiday campaign to help protect Michigan residents from common consumer scams during the winter holiday season.

The website includes a new search tool to make finding consumer alerts and charities faster and easier, a page dedicated to common scams, educational videos and a Michigan Identity Theft Support page and resources to detect and report identity theft for consumers and businesses alike.

“My Consumer Protection Team stands ready to assist Michiganders who may have fallen victim to a scam, but our ultimate goal is to educate consumers and prevent it from happening in the first place,” Nessel said in a press release. “By focusing on the user experience, we made the Consumer Protection site more accessible, simpler to navigate, and easier to read. We hope residents will bookmark the page on both their computers and phones so that the information they need to stay armed against bad actors is always right at their fingertips.”

Continuing through late-December, the Attorney General's website and social media channels will focus on educating consumers on 23 varying tactics commonly used to cheat consumers out of their funds during the holidays.

“The holidays fly by every single year,” Nessel wrote. “And while everyone is focused on celebrating their traditions, supporting local charities, and checking off those gift lists, it’s imperative we all keep in mind ways to protect our personal and bank information from bad actors. Michigan residents deserve peace of mind this holiday season and should take advantage of the resources available through the Department of Attorney General to help protect themselves from scammers.”

To file a consumer complaint or get additional information, contact the Consumer Protection Team at P.O. Box 30213 Lansing, MI 48909, or by calling (517) 335-7599. Complaints can also be filed at www.michigan.gov/consumerprotection/complaints.